About us

Welcome to our website!

My name is Zoltán Füzesi, the founder and owner of Moksaphoto. Originally I am a software engineer and started photography as a hobby but later I found myself more and more involved with it and finally it started taking over and become my main profession. I finished one year photography school at PhotoArt, Budapest and graduated as a Professional Photographer and Trader for photographic equipment and also trained myself on various photographer workshops, professional events and online courses. Nowadays we are so gifted since there are lots of great resources available and we can learn from the bests to polish our knowledge.

I started my business in 2005 and it went thorough many of changes but the essential part of it remained: to create something that perfectly fulfills the needs of my clients while it gives joy at the same time, it is something I love to spend time with. There is a saying that says "pick a profession that you love so then you will never have to work", taking photos, making movies are like this for me. Even after more than 200 weddings I will go with the same enthusiasm to yours like I did at the first one and I am very excited to see what challenges I will face with, what miracle will we create with the couple who is going to marry and the guests who are witnessed it, but I could have mentioned any other events, portrait or real estate photography.

Many asked why did I pick this name, what is that mean: Moksaphoto?

On a nice summer evening, I closed my eyes and took a book from the shelf. I opened it and randomly put my finger on it. I checked the word under and it was freedom and the book was from Péter Müller: Love. Well, I thought it would work, since I love photography and my style is as free and spontaneous as possible. I do not prefer overcomposed, artificial, rigid setups. I like when my model can be what she or he wants to be and catch the right moment when they forget that there is a camera. Freedom means Moksa in sanskrit language that also means free from the karma. Why is it sanskrit? It could be a very long story so I will not go there for now. Photo just got glued to the end to relate better to photography, that is how I made Moksaphoto! :)

I was interested in photography at my early age, but did not have opportunity to gather ground for this desire before digital photography become available for home use as well. However old school way of developing film still has its own beauty, new technology has given a lot faster, cheaper and more comfortable ways of checking the result of our work, precisely perfection our subject matter.
My first digital camera was an Olympus C-3000 Zoom, but after my Canon 20D DSLR was the real breakthorough in my photography and that was followed by the 5D series. Now our flagship is the Canon 5D mark iv. I sticked with the Canon brand even today and try to keep up with the technology as much as I can, and use professional quality lens and other accessories and also could get drone support as well.


I always look for oppurtunity for creative work. First time I drew a lot, later I created miniature dye-cast models and finally worked as a freelance desktop publisher, designing logos, newspapers, advertising and other printed materials. These skills become handy when I got a job in the USA and worked for 5 years at the State Bar of Wisconsin as a web developer (click here for my professional background). In these years not just the programming side, the analytic thinking was important but the creative design part as well.

It was always important for me to create something that had satisfied not just the customers, but myself as well. This way of approach follows me even when I am creating websites which is my other freelance activity besides photography. This experience helps me a lot to provide high quality services while it is driven by inner inspiration. Professional photographs are often needed when I am creating a website so it is a great supplement for a truly complete service.

The main characteristic of my photography is spontaneousness. I think rigid, strictly preplanned settings would destroy the honest, true face of the subject. My pictures talk by themselves, take a look at my galleries.


Viktor Knecht
Cameraman & Video editor

Funny, laid back, life-artist, creative and mildly crazy. These are the words that are mostly used to describe me and to be honest I don’t mind it at all. Everybody can be average these days so I chose not to be.

Originally I finished my studies at the University of Szeged. I got my Bachelor degree in Communication and Media studies, [e-journalism to be more specific] by making a film about Danish Neo-Punk pirates (yes...you have read it correctly) Since that, I have been working as a jewelry specialist on a Cruise ship, a riding instructor in Spain and a Snowmobile expedition leader in Northern Norway, where I took the people King-Crab fishing. Aside from all that I even developed and published a Board Game with my friends and the list goes on and on. (yes you have also read this correctly). Hopefully it is clear now, that the word “impossible” is non existent and the word “avarage” is unkown for me. However you don’t want to hear them either when it comes to your project... right?!

As time passed by I became more interested in the role that took place behind the camera, where I can be more of a narrator instead of the adventurer main hero. So there is a vacancy for the role which needs filling. Are you ready for that role? Are you prepared to take your project to the next level?

For me the creation of every film is more like a ritual. It is a creation of a new art. A tale of a new adventure. A story which takes the audience on a new adventure every time. I imagine many things I create a concept, a frame for the story. After that I do my best to pull over my imaginations to the realm of reality. During this whole process I will hold your hand and help you through it, so that you and your project can get the most out of you. I want you to feel pride and happiness every time you are going to watch your video or show it to your customers/friends.

So...are you ready? What will be YOUR adventure?


As our nickname Moksa suggests, physical distance is just an insignificant theoretic matter in our case, We photograph or film anything, anywhere in Hungary and in other countries as well. We had sessions in Croatia, USA, Germany and the UK as well. We both speak fluent English (and a bit of German, Spanish in case we need to communicate in different languages.)